Pastor Ethan Boese
A Medical Emergency
Luke 8:42b-44 – As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
“We can’t help you.” In our world of miraculous medical marvels, these words seem almost foreign to our ears. “We can’t help you.” Yes the diagnosis is bad, yes the disease is dangerous, but surely….surely there is something that can be done. Perhaps an experimental procedure, or radical surgery, or unorthodox treatment plan. Something, anything…
This woman bled for 12 years. What was the cause of this bleeding is unknown, the extent of her bleeding a mystery, the suffering and desperation of this woman – apparent. So she touched just the edge of Jesus cloak and voilà! No more bleeding. Christ is more than a medical miracle worker. Yes, he certainly possesses the power to speak away even the most dangerous and complex of cancer. Yes, he is capable of curing what we even consider in our medically marvelous world today as uncurable.
However, Christ is more. Jesus, with greater precision than a surgeon, took his perfect life and placed it onto us, while cutting out our sins and placing them on himself on the cross. Jesus does what we could not do even in our medically marvelous age today, he beat death. And when he offers life. It is not a better lifestyle, or a life with less pain…Jesus offers eternal unending perfect life that death will never interrupt. When we have a medical emergency, we take comfort as we find out that we have the very best doctor working for us. However, even the greatest minds in this world are limited. Thanks and praise to God, that he has given us his very best for our spiritual medical emergency, our Savior Jesus.
Lord’s Richest Blessings,
Pastor Boese
On each non-communion Sunday, Pastor Boese will invite children of all ages forward for the Children’s Message before the Hymn of the Day. Parents with young children may join them as they desire.